While on the way home from Ikea, saw a motorcyclist laying on the ground without his helmet. The aftermath of the accident was spotted at the Sprint Highway traffic lights, at SMK Damansara Jaya. A big malay youth, delivering pizza for PHD was writhing in pain. Spotted bruising on his left eye and raw flesh on the left elbow.
He was not the only victim, an Indian lady was also sprawled on the ground, right in the middle of the traffic lights. She too was without her helmet. Her teeth was red, stained in blood, and was still in shock from the unfortunate tragedy. Another Indian man, assuming her husband, was standing, looking calm, however, the wound on his head was gory. Flesh carved out until the bone on his left temple and cheek. However, the cries of his wife (on the ground) and daughter (no more than 4 years of age) left him standing stunned. The young girl was not hurt, and onlookers were trying to comfort her, while the others (including myself) tried to be of help.
A car banged the 2 motorcycles. The car driver was on the phone, calling for help, while we tried to move the injured to the side of the road. A kind samaritan (2 nurses in a white MyVi) stopped to offer transport for the Indian family to a nearby hospital, Damansara Specialist. They don't look like they have any insurance though...
It was a traumatizing scene.
Prayers go out to this family. May they recover quickly, without any complications and recoup their losses. Amen.